Robots Ate Your Grandma

A collection of tales not concerning any robots eating anybodys grandmas.

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Location: Philippines

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

All For Buddy

A bunch of lit I wrote for my ... forgotten .. friend. A part of me still thinks that it was wasted time, and a part wants to move on, forgive everybody, forget everything and pretend it never happened at all. Give it all up man, let go, there's no sense in holding on to the anger. But the Type-A in me won't let go, and I have to fix that first, I guess.


i sit, i guess
i wait for something

it will never come
i am looking for something

something that is not there
but i will find it

sooner, not later.
but it's not really there

i just wished hard it would be
so now it is

guess if it really was there.
i didn't think so too.

R. Galang

Replay Number Six

quiet, listen and play
its replay number six

there won't be a reply
there won't be a response

fights, nights, sadness
waiting for it to end

lies and aching minds
stuffed mouths wanting

no smiles, no hearts
no hearts, no love

stop replay number six.

R. Galang


your hands clasped in mine
your eyes staring back

saying i am yours now
now until kingdom come

our hearts beat as one
beat, beat like parted once

parted once but one again
isn't that nice?

the dream ends once more
let the loneliness flow.

R. Galang


i stare at a familiar road
sitting at a familiar place

stuck on the other side of town
as she fills my blanked mind

as black satin sheets crease
and flow onto the marbles

as pearls sparkle through,
freeze and hold the night's color

the glossed paper stares back
i sit and fall at the same time.


Monday, September 11, 2006

To The Right

This one speaks of lying down in bed. Tormenting yourself with thoughts you know are true, and hurt, and you can avoid thinking about but for some strange masochistic reason your mind makes you go back to. And back to. And back to. Over and over again.

To The Right

the clock whispers midnight
and the sheets wrap tight

the pillows cry why tonight
as lines flounder under light

a jaded and misguided fight
tugs the heartstrings with might

resisting the pain of sight
and the direction of right


bridges to nowhere

Another Avenue of Stars-inspired piece. Something about the friendship with Ann again. Where to go, I don't know.

bridges to nowhere

over his head and under his feet
the stars twinkle up and about

glazing the emptiness of his streets
the glass monuments shine over doubt

as the night sings of her shadow
and the noise drowns the impossible

he lies in hope and in sorrow
dreaming of crossing the impassable


crying division

Something I wrote last night while feeling all crummy and gloomy. We just got back from our strolling around Avenue of Stars, and watching the light show stuff. Beautiful, just plain beautiful. It's sad that it drew me to write something this dejected about Ann. But last night prodded me into thinking about how futile this really is. Knowing the truth is not the same as accepting it. And its a pretty big gulf in between the two.

crying division

the night waxes quickly
over their seasons

the stars shine dimly
beneath his reasons

the moonlight bares brightly
her good disposition

the darkness cries ghastly
as he gives up on division
