Robots Ate Your Grandma

A collection of tales not concerning any robots eating anybodys grandmas.

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Location: Philippines

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

dancing with ghosts

This will probably the last one for today. I'm exhausted from remembering all the awful things I've been through the past year. Its not very healthy, picking up a habit like that. Its kinda sad I need to pull up those sort of stuff to write, but I can't seem to find any other thing to write about -- who cares anyway? It's all good baby! All good! Ruuunnnn Bitch Ruuunnn!!! (^^)

Dancing With Ghosts

in places where the shadows
of progressive decay

dance with your sorrows
I dwell locked away

in its decomposing breath
i listen for your songs

there echoes of your death
remain empty and strong

do i remind you to forget
my faint lettered voice

straining for your svelte
spectres whose choice

birthed the ghosts of your guilt
i sleep in acquiesce

and i see through night's silt
there my sadness plays chess
with the phantoms of your dress



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