Robots Ate Your Grandma

A collection of tales not concerning any robots eating anybodys grandmas.

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Location: Philippines

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Monday, January 15, 2007


As I said, it seems I will never be able to bleed the HanJiHye episode dry of emotions or anything like that. A few weeks on and I am STILL in stride writing poem after poem after poem about the abject failure and disappointment of all of it. It's amazing. Perhaps I am trying to keep it alive for the sake of being a source of poems, eh? It's not a bad cause I say.

Crippled fingers and bandaid bandits? Ask HanJiHye, she'll know.


i asked her if she
could sing to me again

tales of her funny
trials to make amends

with crippled fingers
and bandaid bandits

those she remembers
but one never to repeat

i asked her if she
could sing a lullaby

to break the silence she
sings to bury the lies



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