Robots Ate Your Grandma

A collection of tales not concerning any robots eating anybodys grandmas.

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Location: Philippines

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Monday, January 15, 2007

between the silver sky and the iron sea

Before I start, I would have to apologize first to Interpol, for swiping the line "Each night, I bury my love around you". I didn't use the line in its entirety, but I did swipe the thought, and that's enough for me to be apologetic about. In any case, It was such an awesome line that it was rolling in my head the whole week. I have GOT to use that line somehow. So I did.

I don't know what sort of poem this is, it just came from nowhere. Prose for me is like that, just a brain dump really. Longing for HanJiHye again. And again. And again.

between the silver sky and the iron sea

does she know
that each night

i bury a piece
of my heart

around her
and the soft

caress of sleep
is the only thing

that keeps me awake
i don't want to sleep

does she know
that each night

i lose my mind
over her

right before the
sandman takes away

the taunting lights
for i never dream

of her like i do
when i am awake



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

3:06 AM  

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