electronic dreams
This new blog will be my online repository for my tales. A collection of sometimes really pathetic poems, and some that I am really proud of. I will start with the first one I ever remember writing. This is a really crummy poem, really geeky one too. But I have to include since its part of my collection. It doesn't have anything unique in it, just that its full of technical stuff. This thing really makes me feel sad, not because of the thought of the poem, but because how crappy it is. But still ...
electronic dreams
i had dreamt of transistors and capacitors
of transformers and inductors
of connecting series and parallel connections
and h-bridges that produced motions
i slept and imagined i was melted and soldered
stuck on a pcb along with bonds that faltered
looking around i saw electrons rushing past
taking paths that took them to their destinations fast
i had illusions of electronic immortality
transferring myself into data bits that you can't see
manipulating data with the flick of my wrist
creating reality at a moment's notice
i saw all of these and more, but when i awoke,
what i saw moved me to dream no more
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